Wednesday, 16 January 2019

What a translation is and who translators are: Understanding the roles

Here and there, you might have read ongoing debate of whether translators are also the writers or simply rewriters. If you ask this question to a writer or the best translator in Delhi, their answer would be an affirmation of translators’ role of writers.  In actual, writers and translators are two sides of a coin and it’s the process of writing that makes them such. On one hand, whether it’s the translator working in some of the best languages translation agencies in Delhi or an individual whose main interest lies in translation of literature with a purpose to contribute to the canon of literature, his task is to reproduce a book or write-up in the other language and culture for a different set of audience. A writer, on the other hand, is also a translator, not literally though, in the sense that he translates his thoughts and ideas in the words and language.

The process of translation is a stimulating and a whole new process of writing, similar to the act of writing.  However, they are interconnected in the way that a writer is inspired by things in the outside world, whereas the translator draws inspiration from the writer’s imagination, creativity, thoughts, and philosophy. The discourse of translation followed by the “writers” in languages translation services is a process of creative writing in itself because the original or first writer’s ideas and thoughts are conveyed into other languages. And, these original ideas conveyed may or may not be influenced by that of best translator in Delhi. As the translators aim to reproduce the original text for a different readership belonging to a different culture and context, they themselves have to first become familiar or even immerse in the culture to comprehend the context and decide on a particular approach to the translation of the text.

The languages translation agencies in Delhi also admit the fact that the process of translation is close to that of original writing. They have to make sure that the translated version of the text is fit-to-read and understand for the target readership. However, it is also the truth that the translation is influenced by the translator and his ideologies no matter how rigid one becomes to avoid it. The voice of the translator always remains behind that of the dominant readers’.  The role and responsibilities of translators and the languages translation agencies, thus, plays an integral role in the life of writers, if they are to connect with the multi-cultural readers.

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