Friday 22 June 2018

Why Google Translation is least credible and creditworthy?

Change is an inseparable part of the language and it is one of those nature of language that adds one more feather to its aesthetics, new words always join the board with the fritter of time. Language is full of culture distinction, jargons that translated and if get translated wrong lose their meaning completely. Ultimately, translation does not only confine to transforming a word or sentence to another language but it must not lose the essence of the core meaning.

The words are important in translation services but the tone and style of the text convey a different picture that cannot be portrayed by artificial Google translator because machine translator has never focused on understanding language. Artificial Intelligence still has a long journey to cover. They can help you with the words but not with the phrases.

 These free multilingual machine translators are actually spoiling the credibility of language free of cost and the same reflects the shallowness of Google multilingual translator. For instance if we take the English language as an example there are plenty of words that spell the same, sound the same but the meaning is completely different for example, Address (to speak to) and Address (location). If this word is applied in a sentence or a phrase with different intention but the Google multilingual translator provide a different meaning which completely change its meaning in a drastic manner ultimately leads in a trouble. Human translators can never be replaced by insensible machines.
For the reader the language translation can be terrible, ridiculous that leads to confusion and for the organization, however, it could be embarrassing and nothing can be said about accountability to the users and the most concerning fact is that is does not offers anything in terms of security and privacy . It relies on the assumptions not accuracy and sometimes it produces inaccurate humorous translation that may be insulting and offensive.

There is no proof reading after the complete translation of the text. When a person simply type a text to translate it into a box it just provide the result in a single click instantly and mostly the translator also believe upon the desired result as it is officially translate by a GOOGLE technical machine but if something went wrong there is no obligation for accountability. It translates any sentence or phrase with the closest possible word of translation in another language in a straight manner to read but it can never cater the reader with the most interesting and the poetic one.

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